Twitch Raid Train Docs

How To Create a Twitch Raid Train



This document will outline how to create a Twitch Raid Train using R3dLabs. R3dLabs is packed with features to make your Raid Train easy to manage and fun for your viewers.

Steps To Create A Raid Train


Go to


Click on the Create button from the top

If you don't see "Create" at the top, be sure you're logged in. To login, just click the login button.

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Click on Create Raid Train

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Type the name of your event

The name of your event will be used to build the URL, also known as the "Slug" for your event. You can change the slug independantly of the the name if you want.

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Choose a start date and time for your event

After you've selected your date and time from the drop down menu, just click to a different field to close it.

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Enter your desired number of slots

Number of slots goes hand in hand with the following field "Default Slot Duration". When R3dLabs builds the lineup, it will create the number of slots you enter here, each with a duration specified under slot duration.

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Enter a description for your event

The description you enter here will be viewable by everyone

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Enter an invite code to restrict who can register for slots

You can switch to "Public Registration" to allow anyone to register for a slot.

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Click on Submit

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Done! You have created your first Twitch Raid Train on R3dLabs

Now, you can share your link and invite code with your friends